Paolo Burgio
+39 059 2056114

Founded in 1176, the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia - UNIMORE is the third oldest University in the world, and has been ranked among the first ten Italian universities for quality of teaching and research since 2007. UNIMORE is a networked campus located in the towns of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It counts about 20000 students, including 3500 postgraduates. It has over 600 international exchange agreements and cooperation programs to encourage students and researcher to actively interact in a globalized world. Currently UNIMORE project portfolio comprises 24 funded projects under Horizon 2020, 50 running FP7 projects, plus several projects financed by the National Institute of Health (USA), ARTEMIS and ENIAC Joint Technology Initiatives, the Life+ Programme.
With regards to EARPA areas of expertise The Departments of Sciences and Methods for Engineering (DISMI) and the Department of Engineering Enzo Ferrari (DIEF) and the Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics (FIM) are involved mainly.
DIEF integrated the functions of research and teaching of the former Faculty of Engineering and the Departments of Materials Engineering and the Environment, Information Engineering and Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Research activities, in both the theoretical and applied fields, are thus combined. The teachers and researchers of the Department have always been very active in research, both in the international arena, participating in European Union prestigious scientific projects, and in the national arena, engaging in scientific projects of national interest (PRIN), and research based projects (FIRB), both at regional and local levels. Research and technology developed within DIEF covers mechanical, electronic and environmental engineering, but the flagship is the area of vehicle engineering. Thermo-fluid dynamics of engines, structural design of vehicles and engine componentes, fulid-power systems, aerodynamics, NVH are the areas where outstanding expertise can be found. This is confirmed by the presence of some advanced research labortories co-funded by DIEF personnel and Ferrari SpA: Laboratoriorosso for fluid-dynamics, Millechili for chassis design, Millechili Materials for advanced materal design for automotive. Additive manufacturing is also an area of increasing interest for the department.
DISMI deals with methodological and applied research, technology transfer and university education in various fields of engineering and basic sciences. DISMI brings together teachers and researchers with experience and knowledge of recognised international standing, active in international research projects – both national and local. DISMI is characterised by cross-curricular skills and an interdisciplinary approach which are essential to succeed in the most modern and complex technological challenges. DISMI provides a dynamic and qualified response to engineering requirements from theoretical ones to design, prototyping and testing. Research and technology developed within DISMI covers industrial engineering and management, mechanics engineering, energy engineering and basic sciences applied to engineering.
FIM promotes teaching and research in the field of Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics. The main objective of the Department is the training and preparation of professionals in these three disciplines for business and research purposes. The Department also promote of research, covering various fields of physics, computer science and mathematics. The research is funded by partners from national and international businesses and it is undertaken in collaboration with other Italian and foreign universities. The teachers and researchers of the Department are fully active in the fields of distributed algorithms, scheduling, computational complexity, real-time and multiprocessor systems, actively participating and coordinating different national and international research projects, publishing several papers in the major journals and conferences in the above cited fields. The group is actively collaborating with different international research units and industrial companies, and it is an active partner of Softech, a regional reference point and excellence center for the technology transfer between academic research and private companies, primarily focused on developing innovative ICT solutions.
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
Reserach activites and projects are implemented at Interdepartmental centres and Technopoles.
UNIMORE is part of the High Technology Regional Cluster, involving all the Universities in the Emilia-Romagna Region, and offers cutting-edge facilities for technology transfer (so-called Technopoles) in the sectors of regenerative medicine, advanced materials, mechanical engineering, mechatronics, ICT in business applications.
A brief non-exaustive list of UNIMORE involvement in EU project related to the research in the automotive sector:
AEOLIX Project – Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications - H2020 MG-6.3-2015; OPTITRUCK Project - Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emissions – H2020 GV-6-2015; NEMO Project - Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid – H2020 GV-8-2015; USTIR - User Driven Stimulation of Radical New technological Steps in Surface Transport - FP7-SST-2007-RTD-1 SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT ; CITYLOG - Sustainability and efficiency of city logistics - SST.2008.3.1.4: Urban freight delivery systems SAFEWAY2SCHOOL - Integrated system for safe transportation of children - FP7 (SST)-2008-RTD-1 SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT ASSET Road Project - FP7-SST-2007-RTD1 SUSTAINABLE SURFACE TRANSPORT SAFERYDER Project - FP7-ICT-2007.6.1 - ICT for Intelligent Vehicles and Mobility Services TELEFOT Project - FP7-ICT-2007-2