Mission and objectives
EARPA’s mission is to promote awareness and understanding of the specific role and contribution of R&D providers in the automotive sector and reinforce the high-tech character of the automotive industry as well as its potential for future innovation and new opportunities.

“You cannot look at the mobility system on its own, it has to be looked at on a societal level”
EARPA works in a close cooperation with industrial automotive partners, suppliers, universities and other research organisations to develop the future of R&D in Europe. Such cooperation varies in its forms from exchanging ideas and knowledge in joint meetings to set-up networks, roadmaps and carry out joint research projects.
The current EU R&D funding programmes as well as the future Horizon Europe programme are of particular interest for EARPA members as a mean to achieve such cooperation, as well as further support the European Automotive industry. Accordingly, other European stakeholders such as ACEA, EUCAR, CLEPA, CONCAWE, FERHL, ERTICO, ECTRI and POLIS are important EARPA partners.
Our Objectives
EARPA actively supports various European Technology Platforms (ETPs) and Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs) in their efforts of defining common visions for the future RTD and creating as well as implementing European strategic research agendas.
Among others, EARPA members are active in the following European Initiatives which are overlooking/have impacts on different automotive R&D aspects: ERTRAC, ARTEMIS, BIOFUELS, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Platform, iMobility Forum, MANUFUTURE and EPOSS. As an independent platform, EARPA participates in strategic consultations at EU level related to public interest and social matters regarding mobility, environment, energy and safety in the automotive area.
Being well integrated in both national and European research structures, EARPA and its members are able to promote and support closer links between national and European research programs.