Mr. Peter Urban
+49 241 80 25600

RWTH Aachen University is recognised as one of the leading universities worldwide in vehicle technology. Its Profile Area “Mobility and Transport Engineering” coordinates and shapes the integration of future vehicle technologies in human-centred and sustainable mobility for people and goods, while the Profile Area “Energy, Chemical & Process Engineering” pursues the complementary vision of fully sustainable energy and material cycles.
Based on the interdisciplinary competences in these Profile Areas and excellent infrastructure, RWTH Aachen University tackles complex challenges in these research areas and develops solutions, which are rooted in research-oriented teaching and transformed to innovations in partnerships with industry, politics and society. Projects range from the development of new methods of transport planning and organization, intelligent transport infrastructures as well as mobility systems of different automation levels to the development of innovative vehicle concepts, their subsystems and components, the related energy conversion processes as well as energy storage and distribution options. A special focus is on the needs and requirements of individuals and society as well as environmental compatibility. The extensive research infrastructure ranges from powerful simulation tools to a multitude of test benches and driving simulators, various test sites and test tracks including a freely configurable digital communication environment.
In order to shape future road transport, engineers and scientists with interdisciplinary competences are needed. For this reason, RWTH Aachen University has created the interfaculty degree program in Transportation Engineering and Mobility complementing its programs on Automotive and Energy Engineering. The entities coordinating the latter programs as well as the above-mentioned Profile Areas are also representing RWTH Aachen University in EARPA: the Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika) and the Chair of Thermodynamics of Mobile Energy Conversion Systems (tme).
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
• AIthena: AI-based CCAM: trustworthy, explainable, and accountable • Coachyfied: Coaches with hydrogen fuel cell powertrains for regional and long-distance passenger transport with energy optimized powertrains and cost optimized design • Escalate: Powering EU net zero future by escalating zero emission HDVs and logistic intelligence • FEDERATE: Software defined vehicle support and coordination project • Hi-Drive: Addressing challenges toward the deployment of higher automation • LONGRUN: Development of efficient and environmental friendly long distance powertrain for heavy duty trucks and coaches • STREnGth_M: Stimulating road transport research in Europe and around the globe for sustainable mobility • SUNRISE: Safety assurance framework for connected, automated mobility systems • V4SAFETY: Vehicles and VRU virtual evaluation of road safety • Versaprint: Versatile printed solutions for a safe and high-performance battery system