Mr. Magnus Langseth | Mr. Anders Hammer Strømmen
+47 7359 4782 | +47 9189 7993

NTNU is Norway’s largest university with 39 000 students, and has the main responsibility for higher education in technology in Norway. Hence, NTNU is the country’s premier institution for the education of engineers. Having a main profile within technology and natural sciences, NTNU still offer a wide range of programmes of professional study. Approximately 350 PhDs are annually obtaining their PhD degree at NTNU, external funding raise above 25% and we participate in more than 100 EU funded research project in the Horizon 2020 programme. Areas of special interest for the automotive industry: Structural Impact Laboratory, SIMLab, works with multi-scale testing, modelling, and simulation of materials and structures subjected to dynamic loading. SIMLab is host of the Centre for Advanced Structural Analysis, CASA. CASA is a Centre for research-based innovation and aims at developing validated computational tools for innovation together with and for partners in the oil and gas industry, the transportation industry, materials suppliers and in industry and public enterprises working with physical security. Even though these partners represent different business sectors, they have similar needs in advanced structural analysis because the underlying theories and formulations behind the different computer tools are the same. www.ntnu.edu/casa
Industrial Ecology Programme (IndEcol) has an extensive academic record of accomplishment in developments as well as applications of Life Cycle Assessments and other Circular Economy related frameworks (MFA, SFA, EIO etc.). The programme has significant experience and ongoing activities across multiple drivetrain and fuel technologies. This includes different battery and fuel cell technologies, as well as internal combustion engines, boreal bio-fuels and fossil as well as bio-based hydrogen routes. Our work also bridges aspects such as light weighting with the circular economy aspects of global material cycles. Our objective is to ensure that the environmental and resource characteristics of our options to transform the transport system are well understood. The programme has had multiple contributors to UN initiatives such as the IPCC, UNEP Resource Panel, and the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle initiative
Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, Batteries (Mg-ion), fuel cell battery testing Materials synthesis and characterisation. See: http://www.mozees.no .The Physical Metallurgy group does research related to aluminium alloys in automotive industry Manulab – Industry 4.0. Additive manufacturing and joining of dissimilar materials Dept. of Mechanical and Industrial engineering offer innovation, design and production. Dept. of Computer Science, Visual Computing, Visual Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, HPC and Embedded Computing related to autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems, i.e. sensor fusion and perception, mapping and localization
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
StaCast - New Quality and Design Standards for Aluminium Alloys Cast Products, 2012 -14 R5-COP - Reconfigurable ROS-based Resilient Reasoning Robotic Cooperating Systems, 2014-17 REALISM - Real-Time In Situ Monitoring of Tool Wear in Precision Engineering Applications, 2014-16 HYPACTOR - Pre-normative research on resistance to mechanical impact of composite overwrapped pressure vessels, 2014 – 17. ALION - HIGH SPECIFIC ENERGY ALUMINIUM-ION RECHARGEABLE DECENTRALIZED ELECTRICITY GENERATION SOURCES, 2015 – 19