Dr. Eckhard Szimba
+49 721 608-47689

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a University of Excellence, creates and imparts knowledge for the society and the environment. KIT excels in a broad range of disciplines, i.e. in natural sciences, engineering sciences, economics, as well as the humanities and social sciences. It makes significant contributions to the global challenges of mankind in the fields of energy, mobility, and information. In high interdisciplinary interaction, KIT’s research covers the complete range from fundamental research to close-to-industry applied research and from small research partnerships to long-term large-scale research projects.
Research at KIT is organized along eight “KIT Centers”, which focus on challenges of fundamental importance to our society or on key topics resulting from the striving for knowledge. The KIT Center Mobility Systems embraces a wide range of multidisciplinary competencies to develop solutions for tomorrow’s mobility. The KIT Center brings together about 800 engineers, natural scientists, economists and social scientists from more than 35 institutes, and covers the following research fields: vehicle concepts, vehicle technologies, methods and processes in design and production, infrastructure and traffic, digitization in mobility, as well as mobility and society. The KIT Center Mobility Systems provides both deep expertise in each specific research field, and – through its multidisciplinary concept – a sound basis to address current and future mobility challenges in a cross-cutting and holistic systems perspective such as smart and sustainable urban mobility concepts, autonomous driving, seamless mobility, alternative drive systems and energy-efficient transport.
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
At KIT, several institutes are involved in projects co-funded by the EU. The following list gives a selection of the more important projects:
ARTIC (Antenna Research and Technology for the Intelligent Car) PRE-DRIVE C2X (PREparation for DRIVing Implementation and Evaluation of C2X communication technology) AUTOSUPERCAP (Development of high energy/high power supercapacitors for automotive applications) BENEFIT: Business Models for Enhancing Funding for Infrastructure in Transport JobVehElec (Job Opportunities in Vehicle Electrification) DBCAR (Decisions and Behaviors for Cognitive Automobiles Research) ERANETMED-STORENERGY (Sodium-ion batteries – an advanced solution for mobile and stationary energy storage applications) ETISplus (European Transport policy Information System – Development and implementation of data collection methodology for EU transport modelling) HIGH-TOOL (High-level strategic transport model) VI-DAS (Vision Inspired Driver Assistance Systems) FORTISSIMO (Advanced Simulation, Modelling & Data Analytics for Industry) HERCULES-C (Higher Efficiency, Reduced Emissions, Increased Reliability and Lifetime, Engines for Ships) KITe hyLITE PLUS (Innovative lightweight design for the vehicle industry) LEAFSLIM (Lightweight steel Leaf Springs with improved durability and reliability) TRIP (Transport Research and Innovation Portal) SUSANA (SUpport to SAfety ANalysis of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies) SuMo-Rhine (Sustainable Mobility in the Upper Rhine Region)