R&D institute
Mrs. Eleni Papaioannou
+30 2310 498192

The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) is one of the leading research centres in Greece and listed among the Top-20 EU research institutions with the highest participation in competitive research projects. CERTH automotive-related research concerns Energy, Environment, Information and Communication, Transportation and Sustainable Mobility and, Safety and Security, as well as several cross-disciplinary scientific and technical areas.
CERTH participates in EARPA with one laboratory (APTL, Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory) and two institutes (ITI, Information Technologies Institute, and HIT, Hellenic Institute of Transport).
APTL established itself as a laboratory of international calibre, by exploiting the benefits of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for the clean transport systems of the future. Our core R&D activities include (1) Development and assessment of Automotive Emission Control Technologies for direct injection engines (soot particulates and gaseous emissions) based on multifunctional monolithic reactors and advanced catalytic nanoparticle synthesis technologies, (2) Sensor and Measurement Technologies: controlled nanoparticle generation, separation and measurement, evaluation of size-specific biological effects of nanoparticles, optical and laser diagnostics for particle measurement, nanoparticle and gas sensors for on-board monitoring and control, multi-sample testing units for fast screening of emission control devices, (3) Cathode and Anode material Development and Characterization for advanced and post Lithium-ion automotive batteries, (4) Renewable Hydrogen Production and Power-to-Fuel Technologies: solar-assisted monolithic water splitting reactors for hydrogen production and hydrocarbon reforming, (5) Numerical Simulation of Thermochemical Processes:
Discrete particle simulation (Monte Carlo, Lattice Boltzmann, cellular Automata and discrete element methods), detailed and reduced chemical kinetics, DFT simulations, simulation of aerosol reactors (multivariate population dynamics), stochastic reactor models for engine simulation, CFD simulations, process and system modelling.
HIT's objective is the conduct and support of applied research activities in the field of transportation and more specifically on issues relating to the organisation, operation, planning and development of infrastructure, standardisation, economic analysis, management, vehicle technology, and impact assessment of transport services.
Our expertise lies in the areas of (1) Several aspects of Road Safety interfering with automation, IoT and C-ITS and including also training activities and real-life testing, (2) Urban Mobility: development of the sustainable mobility plans’ specifications including e-mobility, exploitation of ICT advantages, new forms of traveling such as car sharing and car pooling and operation of Open Data portals like http://opendata.imet.gr, (3) Logistics: supply chain optimization techniques and the implementation of advanced systems for intermodal transport management including supply chain actors information exchange platforms systems enabling secured trade lanes implementation, tools and techniques for establishment and operation of Intelligent logistics hubs and freight corridors, visibility platforms for the intermodal planning and monitoring and innovative solution adoption accompanied by decision support systems and governance platforms development, (4) Electronic & Communication Systems: development of embedded systems for transportation including hardware and software systems for ITS, vehicle ADAS, autonomous vehicles, environmental monitoring and sensing technologies.
ITI is one of the leading Institutions of Greece in the fields of Informatics, Telematics and Telecommunications, with long experience in numerous European and national R&D projects. ITI has a staff of 9 Researchers, and more than 200 employees and has participated in more than 50 research projects funded by the EC. We have introduced several innovations in areas related to 1) Road Safety: construction of novel sensor prototype devises for advanced C-ITS applications, 2) Materials, Design & Production: know-how on design, modelling, simulation techniques and tools, 3) Methods and Tools for Virtual Development and Validation: extensive research and development in virtual and augmented reality techniques for applications such as ergonomic vehicle design, virtual user modelling, big data and visual analytics, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and machine learning, 4) Electronic & Communication Systems: prototype electronics and cybersecurity, 5) Urban Mobility: technologies supporting urban safety and resilience on the go and tools for decision makers, exhibiting crowd sourcing, traffic prediction and visualisation, 6) Logistics: supporting the R&D services for a trustful (e.g. block chain-driven) supply and value chain.
Participation in EU Projects and International Activities
SUREAL-23: Understanding and measuring sub-23 nm particle emissions from direct injection engines including real driving conditions
eCAIMAN: Electrolyte, cathode and anode improvements for market-near next-generation lithium ion batteries
ARMOS: Advanced multifunctional reactors for green mobility and solar fuels
C-MobILE: Accelerating C-ITS mobility, innovation and deployment in Europe
TransAID: Transition areas for infrastructure-assisted driving
SAFE STRIP: Safe and green sensor technologies for self-explaining and forgiving road interactive applications
MOVESMART: Renewable mobility services in smart cities
SERIOT: Secure and safe internet of things
RESOLUTE: Resilience management guidelines and operationalization applied to urban transport environment
COMPOSITION: Ecosystem for collaborative manufacturing processes – intra- and inter-factory integration and automation
GOODROUTE: Dangerous goods transportation routing and monitoring